Start Smart with Us

Your Gateway to Success

LNBG, is an established, boutique commodities, logistics and investment firm specialising in innovative strategies that produce secured high yield returns within the burgeoning gold and oil sectors globally

We are dedicated to bringing the advantages of creative and responsible investing to a broader audience. With an unwavering commitment, we provide a solid foundation for steady, long-term capital growth and a reliable dividend income.

  • We believe in managing risk through a diverse portfolio
  • Investing with us is easy due to our straightforward approach
  • Our performance speaks for itself – 52 years of continuously increasing dividends.

Neil Benjamin Gibson

CEO & Company founder

Our Vision

We envision a future where financial opportunities are accessible to everyone, regardless of geographical location or socioeconomic status. We believe that traditional funding models have limitations and can exclude many deserving individuals and businesses from accessing the capital they need. Lnbg is here to challenge these norms and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable financial ecosystem.

Strategy & Analysis
Eeconomic growth

Our expertise